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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Sneaking HobbyfritzFeb 14, 2009

My family and I (apparently I have a wife and two boys, around 10 or 12 years old) have a hobby of sneaking into people's houses. We don't steal or anything just sneak in when we have a chance.

There's such a chance right now, and we go for it. The people aren't home, and we creep in through a hallway, and up some stairs, through many tiptoeing twists and turns into their dusty attic. There is a cabinet there, apparently the target of our quest, and we reach it and start to sneak back out.

We get back to the hallway where we have to pass through the living quarters, and the people have returned home! I can see them through a glass pane in the door, in the kitchen, laughing and hurrying, apparently preparing for a party. How to get past, especially before their friends show up?

We hide in the hallway for a few minutes, and the lights in an adjacent room come up. It's a showroom, with many glass cases as one might show jewelry or precious stones. Well-dressed people start coming in and looking at the cases. We're not dressed like them, but I think we can get away with mingling just until we can get out.

We slip out into the showroom, and pretend to be looking at the stuff until the hosts notice us and say hello, sort of like the what-are-you-doing-here "can I help you?", and we say "just looking", and escape.

Next: Perilous Pants Picking, and a Prediction

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