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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Whatever Your Troubles, Get a Good SandwichfritzMar 8, 2006

I'm returning from a trip oversees, with my brother Steve. We get to the airport and I realize that I have my passport, but no ticket. I apparently misplaced it. I ask the people at the counter, and they tell me that I need to go to the Westin hotel to get a new one. It's nearby, so we go there.

I don't remember finding the hotel, but Steve stops for a sandwich in a mall, and nearby is another shop in the wall, where I get a pita, like Honeybaked Ham. They have a new kind they are advertising loudly, but it doesn't sound as good the old kind, so I get that. I'm thinking it will be a good idea to have a snack before getting on the plane.

I expect the plane ride to be long, boring and uncomfortable, but I sleep through it entirely.

I find myself at a McDonald's with some familiar people that I don't know well, like distant relatives. They're all eating, seems I'm not sure yet if I'll eat. These two unsupervised young boys that aren't with my party, dressed alike in striped shirts, one a year or two older than the other, start fighting very vigorously. I get up, grab them and pick them up. I tell them I'm going to call the police, and they don't seem to believe it will happen. The McD's counter is on the other side of a wall, so I carry the boys over there and ask the counter person to call the police about these boys. She doesn't seem to think that's possible.

After the trip we end up at Dave's, where my Subaru is waiting. We (I know not who) begin to leave, but instead of heading out forward, the car goes backward down a slope. I distinctly remember the incident from last night's dream, where the wheels were grinding in the gravel and the car going the wrong way. "See, this has been happening..."

The car comes to rest at the bottom of the short slope, and seems ok. Seems it shouldn't be a problem to use a truck of Dave's to pull it out. But it's connected to a trailer or something I can see off to the right, which moves, bumping a very large trailer, which tips up and then falls back down, directly on the back of Dave, who is crouched face-down on the ground. He isn't hurt - it seems he can support it just fine on his back.

Next: Especially Avoid *My* Car

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