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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Breakfast... Tiffany... I'm Not Gonna Say ItfritzApr 3, 2009

I'm at some sort of seminar, early in the morning. We're in a darkened room, watching a movie or slide presentation, perhaps 20 people in three or four rows.

I keep having to get up for some reason. Not that anybody minds, I just feel awkward about it. My last trip is up to a breakfast bar that is up to the right of the projector screen. It is about three feet wide, with three tiers of stainless steel pans with lids, like a hotel buffet. I'm hungry, so I dish myself up some scrambled eggs, but it would be better with toast, and I don't see any. I'm still trying to be nonchalant, as apparently everyone else isn't hungry yet.

As I'm looking around, I notice Tiffany (my girlfriend five or six years ago) on the far side against the wall. She notices me and shoots me a smile like we're on the same wavelength, as she is also eating from a plate of scrambled eggs atop a large pancake. She seems heavier than in real life.

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