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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Circular Dreams and Squirmy-Looking BeansfritzApr 8, 2009

I go into this McDonald's, and for some reason (perhaps having to do with shoes) I go into the back kitchen area. It's like a huge flat griddle surface, almost the size of a basketball court, but with all sorts of cooking equipment set in rows, nothing more than a foot tall or so, and employees working the machines. I see one person lying on the floor, tending the burgers in some low machine, her clothes covered in grease.

I apparently took off my shoes before venturing out on the griddle, and my socks become soaked in oil, but I can't find my shoes. Then I find a phone, and I call Dena (an old friend who used to work with me at McD's). I tell her that I had dreamed all of this, starting with coming into McDonald's, up to my socks being soaked with oil and not finding my shoes. Then, in this previous dream, I had called her. So to complete the cycle, I was now calling her, just as I had done before.

She works at the McDonald's, and she is there, so she comes to find me, bringing along my shoes, which I believe are sandals. She also brings me a couple plastic bags of Big Mac lettuce to put in them, as if for padding or something.

I thank her and put them on, but I feel some squirming around my toes, so I kick them off again really fast and see that the Big Mac lettuce is full of bugs. I dump the lettuce in a pile, and there are huge brown beetles in there, and upon closer inspection, dozens of ants. I call Dena back over and show her the lettuce and the bugs, just to point out what they're feeding to the public.

Another McDonald's employee comes by at that point and explains, as though she's said it a million times, and is tired of saying it: "the things that you see, that don't look like lettuce, are actually Red Bean".

I flip over one of the partially opened bags of Big Mac Lettuce, showing a huge beetle like a cockroach, shiny and brown and nearly as long as my finger, squirming under the plastic, and say "yeah, well that's a pretty squirmy looking bean."

Next: All Roads and Food

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