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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Clumsy Parking ProblemsfritzApr 23, 2009

I'm driving to a climb or some other outdoor activity, and it seems to have been abruptly canceled. I turn around into a parking loop, back toward the direction I'd come, apparently meaning to smoke. The road through the parking loop is blocked, so that you can only come in through the other direction. I get around the blockage by going up on the curb, but it seems to do some damage to by steering.

So now I can't steer very well, and I seem to be drunk, remembering that I had two beers somewhere. I pull into a parking space, and then realize that I may have scraped the car alongside, but I'm not sure. Yeah, I think I did, but I'm too woozy to tell. I reverse out, but I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to drive, but I'm not sure if I should run away. I don't think anybody saw me. I park a few spots away, where I don't think I'll be noticed, but there is at least one guy hanging around there that might have seen what happened.

I need to take a nap or something, but I don't think I have time, it's Wednesday evening and I have to get back home in time for bed. Then I remember that it's Saturday, and my climb was canceled, so I have all weekend to do whatever.

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