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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Stupid Swimming TricksfritzMar 28, 2006

It's my first day on the swim team. Seems that we're having a contest between two teams, doing strange tricks. I'm on the team that's going first, and I can't make sense of their tricks, really. They're wrapping thier legs around the diving board bars and sliding into the water, and swimming with plastic bags.

Suddenly the coach says it's my turn, I have to go because all my teammates have already performed. I say that I can dive pretty well, but I don't have my swimsuit on. As a matter of fact, I notice, I'm wearing something that is completely transparent and my private parts are now known by all, I note with some amusement.

I hurry in to the changing room to get changed, while everyone awaits my turn. My clothes (such as they are) are wet and difficult to remove, and even in the changing room people are watching, making me nervous.

Next: Toe Tagged!

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