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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Tangled Rope Leaves Me PrecariousfritzAug 28, 2009

I'm climbing at the rock gym, on the same route that I finished the day on in the real world, that goes up a wall and around a ceiling corner up another wall.

I get to the top, but when I look down to signal my belayer (Ty, as in real life) to lower me down, there is a commotion down there. It appears that the rope has gotten tangled into a knot behind the belayer, and several people are there trying to help him untangle it. So I have to stay on the wall and wait for them to get untangled.

I see that they aren't focusing very well on belaying, letting go of the brake rope to use both hands to untangle, and in fact have turned that job over to a young boy about 14 years old, putting me in an insecure position. I realize that I'm hanging here basically under my own power, so I look for the easiest hold, hang on, and wait.

They eventually get untangled and lower me down, and then I try to explain the intensity of the situation to the 14-year-old boy but he and everyone else seems to think it was intense because of the tangle.

Next: Camping, Rock Breaking, Discussing Injuries, Etc

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