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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Selling Grandma's JTAG CommandofritzJan 12, 2010

I'm selling something, apparently a piece of musical or technical gear, for $20 (*1). A guy has come to take a look at it, and he wants to buy it. It's in a garage-sized room with a bunch of other junk, and he expressed interest in the rest of the stuff too. It's my grandmother's old stuff (*2), and it seems we recently moved it to here.

I encourage the guy to talk to my mom about buying the lot of it, saying she'd probably take $50 for everything in the room, but he will have to take it all.

I wonder if I asked too much; after all, we basically just want to get rid of the stuff. He talks with mom, and I'm not sure what deal they reach. But whether he buys everything or not, there is one item he's definitely interested in, the "JTAG Commando", a heavy piece of rack-mount test equipment.

As he's loading up his purchases, I comment to the guy that I am glad to have met him; apparently we were introduced through a mutual friend a could months ago, and then I called him with this deal. He's an older fellow, with dirty baggy jeans.

(*1) I'm trying to unload an entertainment center on craigslist for $20

(*2) Earlier this year mom and Bonnie sold all of grandma's stuff when she moved into a nursing home

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