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Family Stories

owned by: fritz

Tell us a story about someone in the family. Perhaps something funny, or that says something about their character, or whatever.

The Day Suzie Was BornfritzOct 2, 2006

On October 1, 1943, heavily pregnant Florence Briggs drove herself to the hospital alone.

Her husband, Robert Briggs, had gone hunting for the weekend. Not that he was completely inattentive; they had consulted the doctor as to whether it was a good idea. The doctor, no doubt a hunter himself, had advised them not to worry, the baby wasn't going anywhere... read more

On Being HelpfulfritzMay 11, 2006

It was approximately 1984, and I must have been around 15. It was a quiet afternoon at the Capell homestead.

I entered the living room to see Petra, squatting diaperless on the floor with her back to me. She was apparently focused on a toy or some small object in front of her, and with her right hand, she absent-mindedly scratched the right side of her... read more

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