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Family Poetry

owned by: fritz

To Petra, Christmas 1998fritzDec 25, 1998

At times little birdies must all leave the nest
And nature and nurture decide when it's best
Life, it would seem, is a path of a kid
One by one taking over the things adults did
Once having a room in the family home
Soon they're having a family and house of their own
Slowly gaining more options, becoming more free
Like a branch slowly grows from the family tree

But people need friends, this should not be a shock
As we all know, to be friendly, we all must talk
While once you were shut up and given no choice
Pretty soon you will have to speak with your own voice
But talking takes practice; long before you're good
You've said lots of things that you never have should
And also, it's hard, when you sit down to write
For good things to come out when bad things as well might

Anyway, we digress, so we'll get to the point
So that you'll figure out how these thoughts are all 'joint'
It seems you've grown up a sufficient amount
That it's time you were held, now, to your own account
And that's why, little bird, you can sing your own song
As petra@*****.*****.com!

Merry Christmas!

Next: To Steve, Christmas 1998

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