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Chris' Dream Blog

owned by: Chris

January 17th Floating Motorcycle and Elusive PillsChrisJan 19, 2009

I am walking along a two lane road. I am somewhat upset, and I think my car must have broken down or something. A hovering, futuristic motorcycle glides up and hovers along beside me. Although it is a motorcycle, it is set up with four separate seats. The operator of said motorcycle struck up a conversation with me. He asked if I would like a ride, telling me he would be going between where I was and the gas station all day. That is the only route he drove and he did so throughout the day. I readily accepted his offer mainly because it looked like it would be a fun ride. But as I tried to mount onto one of the seats, I kept landing upside down with my head on the seat. After about three tries, I finally positioned myself properly. I asked if he could drop me off at the 7-11 because I had to fill a prescription for antibiotics there. He complied. I then entered said 7-11 and requested my antibiotics. The pharmacist seemed irritated and told me that the entire town was out of antibiotics and he was fed up with people asking for them. I became dazed and confused. I HAD to get my hands on those antibiotics; otherwise, I could die!!! I then began a quest for antibiotics. I scoured the entire city and was turned away everywhere I went. I wandered around discouraged and despondent.

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