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Chris' Dream Blog

owned by: Chris

coast flightChrisJan 29, 2009

I have the ability to fly in my dreams. Pretty much at will and I seem to use this as my preferred method of transportation. I have for years, since I was a teenager, in fact. However, after all this time, I still haven't mastered the art of a graceful landing.

My dream starts with a decision to fly over to the coast. I fly over the green tree tops, open fields, darting up and down with grace and speed. I reach the coastline and fly along a rocky cliff. Above the water just enough that I can feel the spray hit my body as each wave crashes into the rocky outcropping. I look to the left and see some sort of a yacht. I decide to go over and take a look. I think that I will sneak on board real quietly and just sorta check things out. But, true to form, I overshoot my landing and crash into some sort of railing causing a bit of a ruckus. I stand up and try to act nonchalant, but it isn't working. People are yelling and pointing and I am becoming scared. I try to fly away but can only hover. I can't get any forward momentum. They begin to call me evil, for only an evil person could possess the ability to fly!!! They become angry and I become scared. I decide I need a priest to save me from my evil self. I locate a priest (who just happens to be standing about 10 feet away), but he seems oblivious to my cries for help. It's as if he can't see or hear me. I hover/run/crawl over to him and grab hold of his pant leg, pulling on it in an effort to grab his attention. Still nothing....I am invisible to him.

Reply from fritzJan 31, 2009

This idea completely cracks me up. You can fly, you can make it up in your head where you can improbably, impossibly, in violation of every law of physics, pick yourself up and fly around. And yet... landing, that's too hard, embarrassing crashes result. That's a riot, it must have some deep philosophical implications. Can I use this idea in a song or somewhere...?

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