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Frank's Blog

owned by: Frank-ee

Beginnings .. Blogs, Spring, etc..Frank-eeMar 31, 2010

I have no idea where to start off a blog, so I am going to go with a what's going on currently in our house and just see where these musing go .. sounds fun .. I'm in :-)

It is Spring in Oregon. We just got back from a spring break in So. Cal which really puts some perspective on where we live, and how we do it here in the NW. The weather was great, but spring is a subtle thing in the warmer climates, as compared to the electrifying contrasts in climate and color that we experience here. Would I trade one for another? Never ! They are both part of everything that my family and I are .. we love and appreciate subtle, and thrive on electrifying.

This spring I feel a calling to continue personal and family evaluation. Who are we alone, together. What are our efforts leading to, and are we enjoying this "most excellent adventure"? Our family is going to do a spring cleaning ritual this coming weekend that will (hopefully) renew and refocus us in order that we may explode into the season of new life. I have quoted an email that I sent out as a "kickoff" to the event that I felt communicated a bit of the sentiment I am feeling about now .. I love this quote I read by J Paul Getty ..

"The individual who reaches for the sky must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him - and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires."

Anyway, here's the email quote ..

Hello Beautiful Ladies of the Szubart Clan !!

As discussed, the first annual Spring Cleaning dates are set for April 3-4. I know we are all looking forward to this most excellent event.

What I envision is a thorough cleaning of all of our living spaces in order to “wash away” the detritus of the past winter and clear the way for the spring/summer of this year. In addition to the cleansing, I will be going through my clothes/closets/reading stacks/ in order to cull out the unwanted/unused/and unneeded items that are more or less “cluttering” up my life. In addition, I will be taking this time to review/reflect on the goals and plans that I made at the start of this year. Seems like a good time to make adjustments, renew commitments, and of course, celebrate the progress made! In addition, I think I will observe my spiritual health and general attitude so that I may “tweak” the system in order that I am making the most of life, as it were, and am more attuned to the lessons that life (and particularly my children) are offering me. What do you think are the important things to spotlight during your “spring fling”?

Here is a list of some things that I want to get to (collectively). I want to be somewhat specific so that I don’t bite off more than I can chew for what will amount to a short weekend. Which, by the way, I see kicking off on Saturday morning and wrapping earlier on Sunday. Weather permitting, I am hoping for a Hawaiian BBQ on Saturday evening?

Bathrooms need a complete cleaning (lots of mildew build up, repairs needed, etc.)

All living areas should be completely gone through (please let me know if I need to add shelving, etc. so that I may prepare)

Air ducts need cleaning and filters cleaned (added?)

Windows washed

Deck cleared and ready for spring plants, etc.

I want to get the hard surfaces coated, refreshed.

Cob webs out of the corners

Basement items moved to the barn.

Shed items sorted and moved to barn?

Complete dusting and vacuuming.

This is a generic list, and I don’t think we need to make any assignments (some jobs are obvious i.e. air ducts :-) Everybody is responsible for their own living areas (and those of their pets) with the exception of the younger girls who will get assistance from us all (cheerfully ??). We will all contribute to the common living areas as a team. If any special things are going to be needed (i.e. shelves, hooks/hangers, frames, paint, cleaning supplies) please advise this email so that we may prepare in advance.

I am looking forward to enjoying a tidy and fresh home for our Oregon spring, as well as to the solidarity that we will create by the execution of our shared aims. I am looking at this as much as a family building (and renewal) endeavor as well as a practical function. Let’s have some fun doing this and take pleasure in our cheerful and mindful activity. Please post any comments, additional tasks, etc. to this email so that we may all be “in the loop”.

I love you all .. to the moon and back .. J


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