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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Underground CommunefritzApr 27, 2012

I'm letting a girl (Natasha?) drive my big red truck in the snow, on Bell road in front of my parents' house. She has no control of it, slipping all over the road, but I'm thinking it can't really hurt anything if we hit something. We come very close to some trees - I can see them coming very close, out the side window - but don't hit anything. Another close call, and I start to worry about damage to my truck.

We go down around the corners toward Newberg, and on the straight stretch I hear some music off in the trees. The girl says the music is always here, and then accidentally drives off the road on the downhill side, coming to rest on a flat spot like a basketball court, scattering some people who were standing there listening to a concert.

It's some sort of commune in the woods down there, and a girl leads us into some catacombs, a series of tunnels, paved like a subway system, leading in many directions under the ground. She gets rather far ahead of us at some point, and we are afraid of getting lost under there. She stops and lights up a cigarette, pointing out to us that it will be easier for us to follow the smoke.

We end up in this underground bar, and we have a drink. I meet some girls who seem interested in me. Then the bartender arrives, who is the prettiest girl in the bar - small and blonde and with bangs (like the Porcelain Twins). We seem to have a secret something going on. She says quietly to me, as if for nobody else to notice, "See you in two and a half weeks."

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